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gymlife. 1.0.8
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Gymlife is not only interesting for gymnasticsexperts like athletes, coaches/trainers and judges, but also forsupporters, family, friends and anyone who would like to have moreinsight about the principals of artistic gymnastics. Gymlife is foranyone who cares about gymnastics and wants to know and understandmore of this great sport.In this first release gymlife contains a glossary explaining thespecific terminology in gymnastics. An extensive analysis andprofiling of the ten transcending skills of gymnastics, supportedwith images and animations. Or you can browse though the gympics orvideo documentaries for inspiration. The last module featuring inthis version is Score Sheet, in which the user can enter scoresduring matches. The app calculates the intermediate position andscores in real-time, giving you the full overview of the gymnast’sachievements. No more paper notes and calculators…Gymlife wants to release new upgrades with new applications on aquarterly basis. Examples: didactic systems, all the gymnasticelements, gymnast profile pages, gymnastic associations lookup,social media integration. Other plans are to translate intoRussian, Spanish and Chinese so that gymlife will truly become aninternational gymnastics platform.Gymlife is on Twitter and Facebook to inform you about ourlatest developments. Ideas or improvements are always welcome andtaken seriously in the development of the app.Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter, helping usbringing the app to the attention of as many gymnastics loverspossible. Buying the app will support us in making gymlife to bemore informative, more enjoyable and more complete. Together wewill make the ultimate gymnastics app!